Serving 15 counties in VA and WV since 1989


Fast - Friendly - Pros

Your Upperville Plumbing Experts

Is the plumbing system in your Upperville, VA home malfunctioning? Looking for an Upperville plumber you can trust? Call Powell’s Plumbing today at 540-665-8196 and get started today! Save on your service call with our exclusive online coupons and specials.

Plumbing emergencies can seem like unexpected disasters of nature. However, most times they tend to be a work in progress that could’ve likely been avoided. We are here to answer all of your questions and take charge of all of your maintenance needs. Our trained plumbers will arrive to your Upperville property on time and ready to deal with the issue in the best possible manner. 

Did You Know? We Also…

  • Have been in service since 1989.
  • Guarantee 100% satisfaction on select services.
  • Provide upfront pricing with no hidden fees.

How can I prevent clogged drains?

There are three things you can do to reduce the chances of getting a clogged drain. The first is to make sure that everyone in your home understands what can and cannot be flushed down a drain. Some materials need to be gradually flushed down a drain, while other materials are just too big and need to be disposed of in other ways.

The next thing you can do to help prevent your drains from getting clogged is to put covers on all of your drains. We have all seen the drain covers with the holes in them, but you probably never gave a drain cover a second thought. If you have children, then a drain cover that is properly installed over your drains will prevent a lot of those surprise clogs from happening.

The final step to preventing clogged drains is to have one of our experienced technicians come to your home once a year and inspect your drains. Debris can build up over time and eventually create a clog that can cost a lot of money to remove. When we inspect your drains, we will remove that debris and prevent the clogs from building up.

How can I detect a water leak?

Water leaks can create mold issues and weaken the wooden framing of your walls and your house. The absolute best way to detect leaks is to have our technicians come to your home with our advanced leak detection equipment and inspect your home for issues.

Most leaks occur in areas you cannot see. By the time you see the damage, it will already cost you thousands of dollars to fix. We can remove that problem by using our state-of-the-art equipment to check for leaks and give you a full rundown of any issues you may be having.

How can I extend the lifespan of my water heater?

If you want to preserve the investment you have made in your water heater, then the best approach is to have it inspected and maintained by a professional once a year. Our technicians will drain your water heater and then inspect it for any issues that may decrease its efficiency. We will also let you know when it is time to replace your heater and give you a reliable quote on a replacement.

Our experts are ready to help you with all of your plumbing needs. Give us a call at 540-665-8196, and let us show you that it is always best to let professionals take care of your plumbing needs.


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