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Leak Detection – A Preventative to Potential Damage
Leak detection applies to several types of leaks, including gas, liquid, refrigerants and air. For homeowners, gas leaks include carbon monoxide, LPG (liquefied propane gas) and natural gases in heating systems. Cooling systems experience leaks of refrigerant gases like CFCs and HCFCs. These occur in central air conditioning systems and refrigerators/freezers in use in the home. If LPGs are used for heating or outdoor barbecue grills, leaking propane can be a dangerous health hazard. In the home, most liquid leaks may occur through water supply systems like piping, drains, water heaters, hot water heating equipment and piping for sprinkling systems. Air leaks often occur in or around frames of doors and windows as well as electrical outlets and fireplace flues.

Advances in Leak Detection
When leaks occur, it takes sophisticated equipment to identify the type of leak and exact source of the leak. Some leaks are not clearly visible to the human eye. These are the kinds of leaks that may cause greater problems if the situation is exacerbated by other mitigating conditions. Today’s leak detection professionals rely on a host of hi-tech monitoring and detection equipment to identify and discover the source, volume and precise nature of leaks occurring in the home. This instrumentation may include oxygen hazard monitor where oxygen is depleted or enriched. Gas leak detectors are designed with dual features that can detect combustible gases and refrigerant gases. Detectors for air leaks include monitors for air quality, dust and other particulate occurring in indoor or outdoor air around the home. Detectors for water and liquid leaks feature dataloggers that monitor flow and liquid or water levels. Probes are an advanced method of obtaining accurate water velocity in piping systems.

Accuracy in Detecting Leaks
Instrumentation used by today’s leak detection services are highly accurate due to increased performance specifications. Certain types of leaks can be viewed with long probes that are equipped with digital cameras that produce magnetic resonance imaging. The volume of leaks can be determined to within a tiny centimeter of range in the affected system.

Not sure if your pipes are leaking? Do not stress over it, Contact the Powell’s Plumbing leak detection experts, call us today at 540-636-8196.

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