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Want to feel happier in your home?

Virginia Bathroom RemodelImagine sitting back and relaxing in your new and improved bathroom. Your bathroom can actually be transformed quite easily into a spa-like atmosphere. It may seem like a small space but a single bathroom can actually become quite an elaborate area when it comes to relaxation.

Tub: If you have the money in your remodeling budget to purchase a new tub then you should strongly consider this item for your new and improved bathroom. A large soaker tub with jets can relax you all by itself with very few other items. This item can be an investment but you would be surprised how little other items you will have to consider fixing or replacing.

Lighting: You can create a more relaxing light in your bathroom by installing a dimmer light switch. This allows you to provide high lighting if you are doing something like applying makeup or doing your hair. If you are soaking in your tub you can dim the lights to a lower level that is far more soothing. If you have it in the budget you can upgrade to a newer light fixture as well.

Paint Color: A can of paint is an easy and affordable way to update your bathroom. Certain colors represent happiness like yellow. Earth tones can be very soothing and mimic nature. You can choose blues and greens to represent water.

Items: If you have the space you can add a variety of items to your bathroom that can help create a very soothing and relaxing space. There are plug-in fountains that trickle water. These provide nature sounds that relax you. You can also have a small sound machine that plays nature sounds like birds, rain and wind.

Turning your bathroom into a relaxing atmosphere can be relatively simple and affordable. You will soon find yourself looking forward to getting into the tub at the end of a long day; relaxing before bed.

Ready to improve the looks of your Virginia home’s bathroom? Call Powell’s Plumbing at (504) 665-8196 for bathroom remodeling. 

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