Septic systems are pretty complicated but convenient systems. We produce waste within our homes. Gray water is waste that comes from washing machines, bathtubs, showers and sinks. This gray water can be used again to water the plants and grass. Most of the waste, however, is sanitary waste that derives from toilets, as well as garbage disposals.
Sanitary waste gets sucked into a large tank that is about 10 feet underground. That large tank is what is called a septic tank. When the waste is inside the tank, it will decompose so that the portions of the waste that can be recycled back to nature while the harmful portions are pumped and taken away.
The septic system itself is made into three parts: the tank, distribution box, and the leach field. The harmful waste travels from your home down to the tank. When it hits the tank, it is immediately separated into indigestible material, water and gases.
The gases will be released into the air, the undigested composite separates into scum and sludge. The sludge sinks to the bottom of the tank while the scum floats to the top. The walls of the tank stop the scum and sludge from entering the environment. The water that is inside the tank is filtered through several pipes. The water travels through the distribution box and out to the leach field. A leach field is a portion of land that is near the tank and can absorb the water. Once the septic tank is full, a truck comes in and takes out the sludge with a large vacuum-like device and the truck properly disposes of the waste.
For safety reasons, the leach field must be at a minimum of 100 feet from your neighbor’s well. A septic tank should never be placed under a driveway or porch.
In need of septic services? Contact Powell’s Plumbing, your reliable Bealeton plumbers, at 540-636-8196. We also service 18 other counties in Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland.
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