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The toilet is a necessary part of the home but not one that many people want to talk about or deal with. It’s also an area of the home that people tend to be embarrassed by. Many of us are a bit grossed out by things like toilet stains, whether in the bowl or around the rim, but thankfully these can be prevented! If your toilets are looking a little grungy, or you want to find ways to prevent staining of your toilets, this blog is for you.

Toilet stains are typically caused by a few things: chlorine in hard water, mineral buildup, wearing down of the ceramic glaze, and infrequent cleaning.

Here are some tips on how to prevent toilet stains:

1. Stick to a regular cleaning schedule

Hands down the best way to avoid toilet stains is to clean them regularly! At least 1-2x/week, scrub down the bowl, rim, and seat with a bathroom-grade cleanser. Let the toilet bowl cleaner sit in the bowl for a few minutes before scrubbing and flushing.

2. Flush and clean unused toilets too

If you have a guest bathroom or additional bathroom anywhere, remember to flush that toilet regularly. Even toilets that don’t get used can stain due to sitting water. Or better yet, you can turn off the water to the toilet and keep the bowl dry.

3. Try a tank tablet

For optimal cleansing and deodorizing, you can add a cleaning tablet to the toilet tank. These are designed to slowly release cleanser with each flush, and can help you space out cleaning sessions.

4. Install a water softener

Many homes have hard water, which can cause accelerated aging of plumbing components. For stubborn stains, you may wish to talk to your local plumber about installing a water softening system.

5. Use the right cleanser

For easy prevention, feel free to use commercial toilet bowl cleaners, but if you already have a ring forming, it’s time for something different. Try scrubbing with either Borax, baking soda, or a product like Oxiclean.

Taking care of your toilet is good plumbing practice. But when you have more than just toilet stains, get in touch with us at Powell’s Plumbing and schedule your service call.

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