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Help! My Garbage Disposal is Leaking


avoid-a-garbage-disposal-leakThough a garbage disposal leak could appear as a pretty simple fix, there are many factors involved that could complicate the entire procedure. For instance, there are numerous distinctive places within the garbage disposal unit where the leak can actually occur.

One of the biggest problems being that a garbage disposal leak can occur within a variety of places and at any time. Some of the places happen to be inlets, outlets, connections, rings, and seals.

If you are ever in need of doing some personal troubleshooting, the following are five common places where your garbage disposal system may be leaking from.


Connections to the Garbage Disposal

Some garbage disposals are designed in a way that links them to the drain pipe of the dishwasher system. This linkage is useful in getting rid of all the leftover food and particles obtained from pans, plates, and silverware as they go through the washing sequence.

Usually, leaks can occur on the hose pipe that links the entire dishwasher unit to the garbage disposal. They can occur on the metal clamp that supports the hose pipe, especially if the clamp is not secure enough. Someone who is operating the dishwasher system could accidentally knock the metal clamp.

There also exists a discharge pipe at the bottom of a garbage disposal unit that runs into the drain of the sink. This PVC pipe is linked through a flange as well as a seal. Both the seal and the flange can loosen following constant use or due to timely wear and tear. This is a very common cause of leakage especially if the garbage disposal is old and outdated.

Cracks on the Body of the Disposal

It is reasonable for any appliance that ages to become susceptible to wear and tear, rust or damage. As your garbage disposal gets older, it becomes vulnerable to cracking and breakage along its interior shell. If the internal shell cracks, water dripping out is likely to be noted from the seams. If the entire garbage disposal has its shell broken beyond any kind of repair, then the entire unit will need to be interchanged.

Sink Flange

garbage-disposal_360A flange is the uppermost of a typical garbage disposal. The sink drain and the garbage disposal meet exactly at the sink flange.

The likelihood that the flange could be causing the leakage is due to a couple of reasons. For starters, there exists a bolt mounted on the flange, meant to support disposal firmly to the sink.

These bolts (usually three of them) could be loose due to vibrations that accompany the disposal while grinding vegetables, food remains and unwanted parts of fruits.

The other reason could be the failure of the plumbers’ putty to execute its function. The function of the putty is typically to seal areas that are exposed to unpressurized water in a garbage disposal system, thereby preventing leakages and seepages.

Knocking the Disposal Unit

A large part of the disposal unit including the seals and the connection pipes is positioned under the sink. Some people might think of using the rest of the space left under the sink, to store some other kitchen items.

It is possible that someone might accidentally bump into the garbage disposal while trying to reach out for something else that is in close proximity. This can result in the disposal unit getting hit enough to shift and change its location. The seals will be pressed; the pipes moved and the bolts loosened. Eventually, the unit will begin to leak.

Things to Do to Stop the Leakages

To avoid such frequent leakages from your disposal system, you should only put soft materials including food debris, unwanted fruits residues, and vegetables down the garbage disposal unit. Hard and rigid materials including bones, polyethene and fabrics will surely cause damage to your garbage disposal.

Always check for leakages, especially at the connections, flanges, seals, and gaskets. Be sure to check for any infestation by rodents and moles especially in the cabinet under the sink.

You should make it a routine always to run a stream of cold water before and after operating the disposal as cold water helps cool the motor while running, extending its durability.

Things Not to Do

garbage-disposal-connectionsAvoid overloading your garbage disposal. Too much garbage adds a lot of pressure to the unit causing it to bog down, eventually hurting the disposal’s motor.

You should avoid pouring chemicals into the disposal including bleaches, as such chemicals could cause corrosion to the plastic seals.

In the case that you want to eliminate odors from the disposal, it is necessary that you use vinegar or baking soda instead of other corrosive chemicals.

Finally, never put your hands into the garbage disposal even if the power supply leading to the unit is turned off. This is because the sharp blades inside the disposal might cut your skin even when the process of grinding is not in progress.

Repair and maintenance of your disposal system is an inevitable chore considering that you want to keep you kitchen or restaurant free from organic waste.

If you want guidelines and information on the causes of leakage while operating a disposal system, you may contact Powell’s Plumbing operating in Winchester, VA by calling us via our telephone number 540-665-8196.  We will be delighted to serve you.

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